Accepted Presentations

One of the greatest strengths of IAFOR’s international conferences is their international and intercultural diversity. As of August 28, 2024, KCAH2024 has received over 340 submissions from 49 countries and territories - including: including: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United States.

Accepted Presentations

as of August 28, 2024

Aesthetics and Design
- The Design and Development of Symbol for Tourism Promotion via Suvarnabhumi Airport Rail Link
- The Influence of Aesthetic Changes of Urban Residents on Residential Interior Design Styles in China (1998-2024)

AI, Cyberspace, Technology
- Cryptocurrency Awareness and Acceptance in the University: The Intensification of Digital Coins
- Intra-Active Agential Cuts and the Materialization of the 1986 People Power Revolution as an Entangled Socio-Technical Phenomenon
- Progeny of a Transhuman Author: The Confluence of Literature and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Smart Administration as a Mediator: Bridging the Gap Between Artificial Intelligence Applications and Smart Services
- The Korean Students’ Behavioural Pattern in Adopting AI-Guided ChatGPT for Seeking Education Information

Arts - Arts Policy, Management and Advocacy
- Audience Engagement in Theatre Activities: Q Sort Methodology Research
- Conservation of Traditional Pottery Art as Geographical Indications (GIs)
- Implications of Ubuntu Values in Early Childhood Education: Lessons from Ujamaa Policy in Tanzania
- Operationalization of the Local Culture and Arts Council (LCAC) in Rapu-Rapu, Albay, Philippines: An Assessment
- The Brazilian Street, Characteristics of Brazilian Street Theater

Arts - Arts Theory and Criticism
- “Sheng but not Quite”: Manifestations of Hybridity in Unsuk Chin’s Šu for Sheng Concerto (2009)
- Heritage Policies: Whose Voices Matter? The Case of Puducherry, India

Arts - Literary Arts Practices
- Retelling Outfits: The Reader Response Theory and JG Ballard’s “Garden of Times” as a Met Gala Theme

Arts - Media Arts Practices: Television, Multimedia, Digital, Online and Other New Media
- Environment Concept Design of 360° 2D Animated ‘Maiden Voyage’ for Fine Dining

Arts - Performing Arts Practices: Theater, Dance, Music
- An Assessment of the Work Readiness of Graduates of Vocal Studies at Universities in the Eastern Cape
- Characteristics of Ngremo Munali Fatah Dance Movements Using Biomechanical Analysis Through Motion Capture As Cultural Preservation
- Chilean Resonances of the Past: An Embodied Study of the Cellist A. Hügel (1852-1950) Through his Cavatina for Cello/Piano
- Cultural Diplomacy: The Activities of the Bali Gamelan Tunas Mekar Community with I Made Lasmawan in Denver, United States
- Disjointed Interludes: Countercultural Practices in Juju Music Performance
- Forbidden Art: Dancing in Iran
- Pecutan as Myth in Abdul Muluk’s Traditional Theatre Performance
- Pepe-Pepeka ri Makka: A Risk Performance
- Sustaining Tradition: Wayang Klithik Puppetry within Agrarian Community in Gotanjung Village
- The Harmonization of Gesture and Sound: An Evolutionary Anthropological Approach to Music Performance
- The Link Between Self-Concept and Self-Confidence in Theater Actors: A Quantitative Study of Campus Theater Members
- The New Maluku Horizontal Bamboo Flute: One for All Music Keys
- Women and Agency in Colonial Indonesia: Case Study of the Wanar Dance of Banda Genocide

Arts - Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts
- Arranging Reserved Seats for Women in the Indonesian Parliament
- From Marginalized to Recognized: The Evolution of Hip Hop in Brasília
- Smart City or Utopian Mirage? Optimizing Urban Public Spaces for Evaluating Community Engagement and Sustainability in Songdo

Arts - Teaching and Learning the Arts
- The Overlooked Significance: Redefining the Role of Visual Arts in Early Childhood to High School Education
- Transcending the Visual Art Classroom with an Exploration of Spirit of Place

Arts - Visual Arts Practices
- Art and Technology: A Case Studies of the Creativity Models Art Community Jogja Video Mapping Project (JVMP) in SUMONAR 2023
- Atmospheric Composition and Tonal Values in Piranesi: A Study of Depth in the Carceri Series Drawings
- Beyond Ceramic Tradition: Shin Sangho’s Artistic Transformation Through African Art and Global Collecting
- Map of Senses
- Painting of Grafting: Applied Derridean Juxtaposition
- Threads of Culture: A Comparative Study of Korean and Pakistani Textile Art
- Transcending NowHere Citizens

Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
- Limited Pluralism in Tidayu Dance in West Kalimantan
- Multi-Territoriality of Korean Gastronomy in Chile
- Noodles Are Thin, but Our Bond Isn’t: The Role of Social Media in Transforming the Cultural Dynamics of Eating Communities
- Spatial Emergence of Ethnicity: Korean Identification at the Protestant Church in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

First Nations and Indigenous Peoples
- A Mechanism for Social Harmony: An Exploration of the Manuvu Judicial System
- Polarization of Tradition and Modernity: Changes in the Legal Cultural Order in Baduy Tribe’s Causing Baduy Residents to Burn Motorbikes
- Shaping the Future: Achieving Sustainable Development with Dumagats Through Entrepreneurship

- Forging Educational Alliances: Saudi Arabia and Japan’s Path to Excellence in Higher Education
- From Imperialism to Political Ecologies: Assessing Capitalism of Landscape Domination in the Philippines

- Cameras, Classrooms, and Cultural Flows: Transnational Exchanges and Mediated Representations in the University of Minnesota-Seoul National University Academic Alliance
- Digitizing Weather Data from Diary Entries
- Exploring the Cultural and Historical Evolution of Xiluo, Yunlin in Taiwan Through Feng Shui Theory
- Fāṭimid Attitude to Non-ismailis Through the Institutions of Learning and Their Treatment in the Muslim Societies and Civilizations Module
- Imagining Asia in the Fiction of the Australian Women’s Weekly: 1933 to 1982
- John Beale Bordley’s Rational Religion in the American Enlightenment
- TPLF’s Political Iconography (1975-1991): Creation, Evolution and Development

Immigration, Refugees, Race, Nation
- Exploring the Community Health Needs and Assets of the Koryoin Community in Hambak Village, South Korea: A Qualitative Study
- Exploring the Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Social Belonging in Korean Educational Institutions
- How Wireless Communication Technology is Connecting Muslim Society in Indonesia During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Religious Leaders as Agents of Peace in Ancient Israel and the Nigerian Context

- Debunking the Pedagogic Knowledge Contestations: Global North vs South
- Dissemination of Knowledge Through Mass Media for Building a Knowledge Society: Case Study of NU Online
- Healthcare Professionals’ Lifeworlds: Agentic Navigation Through the Covid Pandemic

Language, Linguistics
- A Comparative Study of Portuguese Textbooks for Japanese and Korean Speakers: Understanding the First Steps in Language Learning
- A Look into the Linguistic Landscape in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines
- Apology Responses of Javanese and Sundanese: Gender and Cultural Perspective
- Exploring Main Character Through Textual Meaning in Indonesia Picturebooks Themed Budaya Bijak Sampah
- Exploring the Impact of a Blended On-site and MALL Approach on Speaking Proficiency in KFL at a University
- Ideational Meaning in Picturebook to Portray Children’s Happiness Emotion
- Is Translanguaging the Answer? Scrutinizing Its Pedagogical Impact in the Indonesian EFL Context
- Nyangahatn Rituals in Dayak Kanayatn Community: Discourse in Spirit Delivery Ceremony
- Semantic Shift in the 1936 Tshivenḓa Bible: A Content Analysis
- Signs of the Times: Analysis of Selected Linguistic Landscape in Digital Spaces in the Philippines During the Time of Pandemic
- Sociolinguistic Competence Levels and Their Issues: Content Integration in Purposive Communication
- Some Aspects of Sepedi Proverbs: The Craft of Construction
- Technology-Based Tasks: Effect on the Oral Communication Performance of Students
- The Legitimation Strategies by the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, in His Political Speeches Regarding the Aging Society
- The Translation of Qatari National Identity at the National Museum of Qatar Through Verbal and Non-verbal Texts
- The Visual Representation of Gender Roles in Primary School Textbooks in Indonesia
- Transferring Cultural Knowledge Through Translation: A Case of Sek Mqhayi’s Abantu Besizwe
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Patterns of Persuasive Selling Among Live Online Entrepreneurs

Literature/Literary Studies
- “The Martians Are Always Coming”: On Lifeforms on the Moon and Other Planets at the Turn of the 20th Century Spanish Newspapers and Literature
- A Lefebvrian Exploration of Spatial Transformation in Franz Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis’
- An Analysis of Techno-Humanism in Liu Cixin’s Ecological Science Fiction: From Donna J. Haraway’s Post-Humanist Perspective
- An Inquiry into the Current Trends of African Literature: Recuperating the Socio-Historical Conditions for Socio-Political Transformation as Reflected in Ben Okri
- Because he Is Severo Alacran: Exploring Media Ownership and Culture Industry in Jessica Hagedorn’s ‘Dogeaters’
- Body Fluidity Against Capitalism: Unveiling Sexuality in Posthuman Feminism in Indonesian Short Stories
- Cannibalization: Analyzing the Metaphorical Consumption of Humans in Society in Light of Han Kang’s The Vegetarian
- Cities Fall Apart in Postcolonial Narratives of James Joyce and Tahar Wattar
- Comparative Analysis of Foucault’s “What is an Author?” and Jung Dae Yoon’s Korean Television Series “W: Two Worlds Apart”
- Female Mobility and Modernity at the Edge in Women’s Travel Writing from Spain
- Graduate Education and Student Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
- Natural vs Unnatural: Art in Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn
- Necropolitics in the Contemporary African Fiction: A Critique of Helon Habila’s Novels
- No “Worthy Protagonists of Cosmic Drama”: Identifying the Modern in the Short Stories of H. P. Lovecraft
- Plant-Human Hybrids: Exploring Corporeal Resistance and Symbiosis in Bora Chung’s “Seeds”
- Reclaiming the ‘Bitch’: Surpanakha’s Journey to Self-Actualization in Kavita Kané’s Lanka’s Princess
- Representation of Modern Korean History in Pearl S. Buck’s Living Reed
- Romantic Legacies: Reconceptualizing the Anthropocene
- Semiotic Analysis of Sacred Space in the Orature and Spirituality of Yoruba Indigenous Markets
- Structural and Colonial Violence in Shehan Karunatilaka’s The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida
- The Architectural and the Rhetorical of the Ruined Cities in Kateb Yacine’s Nedjma
- The Docile Female Bodies in “The Long Way Out” (1937) and “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1892)
- The Effect of National Trauma on Individuals, Families, and Society in “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan S. Foer
- The Ethical Representation of Kando and the Making of a New Subjectivity in Kang Kyong-ae’s Manchurian Writings
- The Female Narratives of Desiring Gaze at a Monk in Buddhist Literature: Dojoji, Takiguchinyudo, and “Chandalika”
- The Subjective Narrator in the Novel Njai Warsih by Thio Tjin Boen: A Narratological Analysis
- Unreliable Narration and Emotional Deterioration in Jean Rhys’s Selected Short Stories
- Women as Social Actors in American Qur’an: Metafunctions in Book Illustrations
- Women in Morris’s Life and His Literary Realm

Media, Film and Communication Studies
- A Framework for the Exploration: Video Adaptations
- A Kingdom United: Nationalistic and Pro-Unification Sentiments in ‘The King: Eternal Monarch’
- A Look At The Current Society Through The Prism Of Absurdity, Surrealism And Black Humor: Quentin Dupieux’s Film Cases
- Addressing Education Inequality in Indonesia Through Rural Development: Desamind’s Leadership Communication in Empowering Youth
- Chinese Independent Documentary Cinema in the Age of New Media, from 1990 to 2020
- Cultural Specificity in Nollywood Comedy Films
- Filipino Pulse Check: An Exploration on Multisector Stances Towards the Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Communication Education
- Independent Bookshops as Media: A Role of Safer Spaces for Queer People
- Meaning and Perception of Korean Flower Arrangement: An Opportunity of Indonesia’s Florist Business
- Measuring Leader Reputation Within the South African Business Context: A Study in Two Financial Industry Organisations
- Netiquette Practices in the Online Communication Culture of Mataram University Students: A Netnographic Analysis of a Facebook Group
- Nonverbal Aspects of Identity Construction in Korean and Romanian Cinematographic Productions: Two Case Studies
- Revealing Indonesianness Identity in Reformation Era Cinema: A Texture Analysis of Three Film Adaptations
- See You in The Next Life (Or Not?): A Philosophical Examination of Reincarnation in Asian Dramas
- The Demigod and the Avatar: Critical Content Analysis of Commodified Childhood Memory and Nostalgia Through Live-Action Adaptations
- The Female Gaze and the Middle-aged Filipino Women’s Reception of Empowered/Disempowered Women in Korean Television Series
- The Perspective of Tibetan Buddhist Community About New Information Technologies
- The Role and Function of Narrators in Wes Anderson’s Netflix Short Films
- Transnational Networks of Film Repetitions: Zooming Between Franchising and Intertextuality
- Women in Revolution: Nationalism and Femininity in Song of Youth and Lust, Caution

Other Humanities
- Decolonizing Mind: Embracing Ma 間 and Anattā Through Reformulating Discourse on Self for Ecological Future
- Higher Education Institutions’ Labor Situation: A Qualitative Study
- Human Resource Management Practices Towards the Performance of Teachers in the Province of Capiz
- Intangible Heritage of Aci Trezza: Historical Reconstruction of the Rodolico Shipyard and its Living Human Treasure
- Korea’s Market Growth of KPOP Merchandise’s Trade: Significance of the Research and Development Sector
- Peace Is for Resistance: The Meaning of Peace of Arek Malang as Humanitarian Fighters of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy
- Speech Delay Intervention Through Psychoeducation for Parents and Caregiver
- The Cause and Effect of Family Instability and Juvenile Delinquency in Bauchi Metropolis Bauchi State, Nigeria
- The Nexus Between Archaeological Exploration and Heritage Contestation: Perspectives from Pizaga, Upper West Region, Ghana

Philosophy, Ethics, Consciousness
- A Critical Understanding of Political Responsibility Through the Lens of Iris Marion Young
- ESG Disclosures Relationship to Corporate Performance: Philosophical Perspective

Political Science, Politics
- Decoding the Meaning of Gemoy as a Political Gimmick: A Semiotic Analysis Approach to Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto
- From Partner to Adversary: Analysis of the Current U.S. National Security Strategy’s Positioning Towards China
- Military Intervention and Sovereignty: Intersubjectivity and Creative Reconfiguration of Sovereignty
- Roles of Cities in AI Strategies: Insights from Amsterdam, Barcelona, New York, and London
- South Korea’s Rising Presence in the Middle East: Analyzing the Drivers and Consequences
- The Impact of the Ukrainian Crisis on the Strategic Relationship Between the European Union and the Republic of Korea
- The Political Participation and Representation of People Living with Disabilities (PLWDs) in Democracy in Africa

Religion, Spirituality
- Comparative Study of Minjung Theology and Kierkegaardian Philosophy: Toward Emotion of Han and Hope
- Enhancing Ethics of Utilizing Technology in an Intercultural World: An Islamic Maqasidi Assessment
- Exploring and Analysing the Achievements of Religious Patriarchs from the Historical Guiguzi
- Message Patterns Through Discourse Analysis on the Concept of Apology and Forgiveness During Ramadan Among College Students Practicing Islam
- Reinterpreting Tradition: The Aesthetics of Modern Auspiciousness in Digital Amulets
- Reshaping Church Offering and Sense of Religious Belonging After COVID-19: A Case Study Among Liberal Mennonites in the USA
- Sacralization of “Merti Code Ritual”: Between Eco-Religious Piety and Cultural Tourism Attraction in Code River Community
- The Impact of Polygynous Marriage on Select Mëranaw Families in Marawi City
- Understanding the Role of Upland Rice as Cultural Keystone Species in Baduy Indigenous Religion
- Vigil Prayer Among the Aladura Pentecostals and Yoruba Tradition in Nigeria

Sexuality, Gender, Families
- A Psychosocial Profile and Experiences of Children of VAW Victims: A Premise for Intervention
- Assessing Changes in Menstrual Hygiene Management in Schools Through Gender Analysis Using Harvard Analytical Framework and Theory of Change
- Coparenting and Parental Satisfaction in Parents of Children with Disabilities
- Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexual Life: Does Sociodemographic Characteristics make a Difference?
- Gender Deconstruction Through the Emergence of Voice of Baceprot (VoB) as a Female Rock Band in Indonesia
- Lack of Male Roles in the Domestic Sphere: The Difficulty of Role Balance Realized by Female Students with Multiple Roles
- LGBTQ Activism in Modern Vietnam
- Non-traditional Families: Exploring Single Parenting, Co-parenting, and Blended Families
- Peculiarities of Social Development in Lithuania: Aspect of Gender Equality
- Women Empowerment in Gig Economy

Teaching and Learning
- “Our School Can’t Reject, No Matter What”: Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Challenges and Support Needs of Inclusive Education Practice
- Analysis of Students Needs for Digital-based Learning Media on Virus Material
- Data Analytics in Nigerian Tertiary Institution Management for Global Competitiveness: A Case Study of University of Lagos, Nigeria
- Engaging Youth in History Through Immersive Storytelling: A Case Study of the ‘Once Upon a Time in Palestine’ XR Documentary
- Enhancing Student Engagement Through the ‘4Ds’ of Learning Approach: Insights from ESL Classrooms
- Ethical Engagement with Guest Speakers in Teaching and Learning
- Examining the Effectiveness of Using Students’ L1 in Adult EFL Classes
- From Analysis to Action: Empowering Teachers with Addie for Effective Material Design
- Implementation Social and Emotional Learning: Elementary Teachers’ Perspectives
- Influence of Cultural Identity on the English Language Proficiency of English Major Students
- Interdisciplinary Approach in Education: Analysis of Jack Gladney’s Teaching Methods in ‘White Noise’
- It’s Not My Fault!: The Phenomenon of Academic Buoyancy of Students in Indonesia
- Preschool Teachers’ Perception: Defensibility and Autonomy
- Promoting Academic and Research Performance Ranking of Uganda’s Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Leadership for Staff Motivation
- Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Relational Thinking Test Instruments: Transition from Arithmetics to Algebra
- Reflection on Academic English Literacy: Digital Reading Practices of Non-English Department Students
- Relationship Between Value of Children and Parenting Styles in the Family with Early Childhood
- Teachers’ Role in Developing Learner Autonomy Among the Learners of English as a Second Language
- The Impact of Free Education on Classroom Practice During the Seventh Republic in Zambia: A Case Study of Kabwe District
- The Power of English Language Through the Lens of English Medium Instruction (EMI) Faculty