Sustaining Tradition: Wayang Klithik Puppetry within Agrarian Community in Gotanjung Village (82365)
Session Chair: Afan Triyanto
Thursday, 31 October 2024 09:15
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 107
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Wayang klithik is a form of 2D puppetry made of wood that is spread across Central Java and East Java. In Gotanjung Village, wayang klithik exhibits several distinctive characteristics that are deeply intertwined with the village's harvesting ceremony, known as sedekah bumi, symbolizing blessings upon the land and its crop yield. Unlike the majority of wayang klithik performances in other regions, which typically feature stories of heroism among the nobility, wayang klithik in Gotanjung Village presents narratives that focus on the lives of farmers. This study aims to investigate the role of wayang klithik in Gotanjung Village as expressions of cultural resilience within the agrarian community. Through qualitative ethnographic study, it analyzes how this performance contribute to fostering communal identity, celebrating agricultural traditions, and raising awareness about the vital role of farmers in the community through storytelling. This study reveals that performing arts, besides serving as entertainment for the community, are utilized to communicate the specific conditions of the community's ecosystem, along with cultural knowledge and wisdom that need to be transmitted from generation to generation.
Evi Selviawati, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Evi Selviawati is a University Postgraduate Student at University of Indonesia in Indonesia
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