Telling Individual Engagement Stories (TIES): Initial Action Towards Family Engagement Program (83923)

Session Information: Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Session Chair: Heathcliff Schembri

Thursday, 31 October 2024 11:35
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 105
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Seoul)

Parent–school partnership is an essential component to ensure positive students’ academic performance. Parents' active involvement in their children’s education helps the school for its students to achieve their academic goals. As soon as parents enroll their children and once they enter the physical school, the child’s academic success heavily depends on the teachers’ role inside the classroom. COVID-19 however, forced schools to bring education at home thus necessitating unparalleled parents’ involvement. Parents, unprepared, had to hurdle the challenges, while the school at an instant exhausted all means to reach –out to them. This action research primarily aimed to discover parents' motivation to continue to opt for full online education for their children amidst the rigors. It also attempted to closely evaluate the engagements of both the parents and school during a full online modality. Through TIES, the rich stories, and lives of parents as they traverse the uncharted online schooling with their children, common themes can become a wellspring of information to better the existing school programs. Phenomenology was employed as a research design where dialogue with parents who volunteered to join in–depth interviews and thematic analysis uncovered the strong and weak points of the parents’ engagements with the school. Practices which worked well during the online set-up were identified. The study provided a deeper understanding of the complex nature of parent-school partnerships and their impact on students’ academic achievement and total well-being. A sustained engagement and a system of parent–school collaboration can be explored which becomes part of the Family Engagement Program.

Ma. Cecilia Bugayong, La Salle Green Hills, Philippines

About the Presenter(s)
Ma. Cecilia C. Bugayong is currently completing her doctoral degree. For the past six years, she was the Assistant Principal for Grades 9 and 10 of La Salle Green Hills, a private school in the Philippines.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00